Meet the Owner, Cyndi Mims

PHONE: 805-466-3598


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Cyndi Mims, Owner/Broker


Cyndi Mims established Colony Mortgage, Inc., in 2005.  She has been involved in financing real estate for over 30 years and has extensive experience with selling real estate and subdivision developments.  Her knowledge within the field has lead to many successful transactions.  She looks out for her clients and always puts their needs above anything else.  Her success within the mortgage field has brought her recognition within the local community.  Cyndi is a member of the Chamber of Commerce here in Atascadero, CA, and participates in local activities.  She received the Beautification Award for Colony Mortgage from the city of Atascadero.

PHONE: 805-466-3598


5365 El Camino Real
Atascadero, CA 93422
Phone: 805-466-3598/Cell: 805-674-1415
Fax: 888-695-1155

Colony Mortgage, INC.